• Lighthouse Insurance – Now Even Easier to Find also!

We’re living in a digital age. Word-of-mouth communication is now done online. Networking has moved to LinkedIn. Breaking news is discovered on Twitter. Keeping up with your friends and family is made easy thanks to Facebook.

The insurance industry is gradually catching up, but we at Lighthouse Insurance are always one step ahead of the game. Which is why we’re excited to announce that we’re upping our social media game — we’re now on Twitter and Facebook, and have a new blog.

We love doing business in Boston because this is a city full of innovators. However with innovation comes major changes. Young renters and buyers are moving in flocks to #SouthBoston — and it’s beyond important to have renters insurance to protect their expensive laptops and other electronics. First-time condo buyers have so much on their plate to worry about — it’s vital to have a knowledgeable agent to provide you with the best condo insurance to protect such a huge, life-changing investment.

Then there’s innovation in transportation. From taxis, to Fasten, to UBER, we’re only at the beginning of an explosion of new ways to get around. However how do we make sure that you and your driver are both protected? Change is happening so quickly; it’s important that legislation and insurance keep up with these innovations. That’s where we come in.

And finally, we want to connect with our customers, new and old, where they actually are! For everyone out there who checks Twitter for news every morning, and scrolls through Facebook on the T on their morning commute, we want to be here for you in a new way. If you ever have a question, or need advice about insurance, or even just want to talk to a “real person” (Yes, that still exists. Shocking we know!) about how to get the most competitive rates for insurance, you can now tweet at us or message us on Facebook and we’ll be here to help.

Here at Lighthouse, we want to keep up with the 21st century, not fight against it. So next time you give us a call, why not follow us on Twitter and give us a tweet? We’ll see you on the Internet…