2 Nov
2020RMV Updates the COVID-19-Related Process for Trailer & Commercial Vehicle Registration Renewals

Ever since Governor Charlie Baker’s declaration of a State of Emergency on March 10th due to the pandemic, The Massachusetts Registry of Motor Vehicles (RMV) has taken important steps to keep their customers and staff safe and healthy.
This past summer, for example, the RMV implemented drop-off registration and title services for both commercial and individual customer transactions at a variety of locations around the state. Prior to offering this drop-off option, the RMV could only provide registration and title services by appointment due to the need to enforce social distancing.
While the new drop-off service helped to meet the increased RMV service demands during the pandemic, RMV customers were required to return to the drop-off center to pick up their registration and title paperwork a few business days later.
Now, effective immediately, the RMV has announced a change to this process as follows:
All Trailer and Commercial registration renewals dropped off at a Registration Drop Off Center with Registration Renewal Applications (RMV-2s) will now be sent to the RMV’s Headquarters in Quincy, Massachusetts, for processing. They will be prioritized based on expiration date rather than on a first in, first out basis. The RMV will process renewals and mail the renewed registrations and decals to the address on record.
To ensure your paperwork is processed in a timely manner, the RMV asks you to:
- Separate any RMV-2s from other registration drop-off paperwork and create two bundles with separate cover sheets
- Determine the amount for the renewals and place a completed check with totaled amount, made payable to MassDOT, in the bundle
- Not include any other transaction paperwork besides the RMV-2 applications in your bundle
The RMV will still offer in-person registration and title service by appointment only up to 14 days in advance as well as a mail-in registration option. However, it may be much easier for you to renew your registration(s) online at Mass.Gov/RMV. The RMV has implemented a quick and easy renewal transaction process on their website, which allows you to renew multiple vehicles at a time and submit your payment once.
If you have additional questions about this new registration renewal process for trailers and commercial vehicles, the RMV has created two information sheets: 2020 Registration Renewals for Trailers and Commercial Vehicles and Commercial and Trailer Plate Renewals. In addition, the RMV has launched a variety of other new service options to assist customers like you during the COVID-19 pandemic. To learn more, please visit https://www.mass.gov/info-details/rmv-covid-19-information.
As always, the local commercial auto insurance team at Lighthouse are just a phone call away if you have any questions or concerns related to your commercial vehicles. Feel free to call us, at (617) 464-3777.